Tuesday, 2 September 2014


So, tetiba ja malam ni aku berkeinginan untuk tulis blog di mana aku kan share any tips,pengalaman or apa sahaja benda yg muncul di minda.....saya memohon maaf dulu siap2x sekiranya post sya tidak menarik perhatian anda.Tapi try la baca. Belum baca belum tau....haha

Topik untuk kali ini ialah:


Apa itu pengalaman?

Pengalaman  atau disebut sebagai 'experience' merupakan salah sesuatu proses pembelajaran dalam kehidupan yang mengajar kita erti kedewasaan. Pengalaman suka atau duka itu akan membantu kita menghadapi pelbagai cabaran apabila kita semakin tua (tua la kan xkan muda kot) >,<

Tapi bagi aku taun ni la aku mempunyai pengalaman yg paling mencabar sekali:

Cabaran 1:

Bermula dari awal tahun nak dijadikan cerita.....first day sekolah aku telah dicalonkan sebagai ketua tingkatan….TIDAKKKK, AKU *smbil tunjuk jr di muka, KETUA TINGKATANNNN XXXXXDDDD…..aaarhh…

Bukan aku x mahu jd ketua, tp sebabnya tanggungjawab dan amanah tu terlampau berat untuk dipikul.

Tapi aku blum jadi ketua lg. Rilek lu brother. Ada undian yg masih belum dibuat. Setelah beberapa ketika berlalu…keputusan diumumkan...jeng..jeng..jeng aku dapat tmpt kedua dengan undian yang tertinggi.

 Aku punyalah hepi spai xtau nak kata apa.... bukan apa, aku xperlu jd ketua...la la la la la (smbil menari ~-|''|-~      ....bila suddenly tetiba  aku realise....maknanya secara automatik undian tu menyebabkan aku jd penolong la pulak X_X  (  Last skali, redha je la .....lgipun aku pun dah menyesuaikan diri ngan tugas sbgai penolong selama lebih 8 bulan~~~)

 Cabaran 2:

Di sekolah, aku terlibat dlm satu kelab which is nama club tu aku rahsiakan..kang xpasal pasal diorang baca post ni mampos aku XXX_XXX (ada sapa2x nak slamatkan aku?hehe)...

 Actually dr awal tahun seboleh-bolehnya every perjumpaan aku akan try mencari alasan utk tidak hadiri perjumpaan. Lama-lama hati dah rasa tawar. Why? Ok, aku akan beritau jap lagi. 

i) Aku merasakan diri aku mcm seolah-olah xdiperlukan untuk berada di situ. Bayangkan 3 tahun yg lalu, tiap-tiap perjumpaan aku pi tanpa gagal. (oklah, ada juga xpi :p)  Tp,  masalahnya senior-senior sampai sekarang tak cam aku. Aku mengaku mungkin keadaan itu disebabkan salah aku. Salah aku tidak menengur senior dahulu. But, aku rasa it is better dan selesa bila senior tu sendiri yg initiate a conversation dan mengajak kita sembang. Lagipun aku ni jenis introvert person. Aku ini bukanlah jenis yg akan start dulu perbualan. Segan giler kot! Tp berbanding dengan org lain yg bermanja, berdekatan,berkepitan ngan senior itulah yg plng akan mereka ingati sekali berbanding yg duduk di hujung penjuru. (yes, aku la tu  :(

ii) Aku berasa ditinggalkan keseorang. Dulu aku ada kwn yg join sama club ngan aku tp lama-lama dia xtahan dngn 'suasana' kelab tu so dia mengambil keputusan untuk keluar. Akibatnya, tinggallah aku seorang menyepikan diri tanpa teman berbual everytime perjumpaan kelab ada. Jd, tabahkan diri je lah

Aku tahu korang mesti tertanya2x knapa aku xkeluar ja kelab tu. Sebabnya perasaan sayang yg mendalam terhadap apa yg kelab tu buat/aktiviti yg menyebabkan aku gagahkan diri untuk stay.

Cabaran 3:

-to be written later-

Ada lagi cabaran-cabaran yang lain, tetapi terlalu banyak untuk dikongsikan. Sekian sahaja sedikit nukilan drpd saya...
Sebelum tu, ada sedikit perkongsian ilmu:

“Jujurlah kerana sesungguhnya kejujuran menunjukkan kepada kebaikan dan kebaikan menunjukan kepada syurga."(HRBukhari)

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Should cell phones allowed in schools?

         Cell phones are no longer a luxury item in a teenager’s life. Instead, they have become an undeniable necessity. Cell phones are small, portable and can be used almost everywhere. They have also become increasingly more affordable with different price ranges and data packages. There is a wide range of types to be chosen from. Due to this modern technology production, a question comes across in public minds. Should cell phones be allowed in schools?

          A lot of problem involving teenagers will occur if cell phones are permitted in schools. This is because they are still young and need to have guidelines for anything they do. Teenagers have also been known for not able to control their behaviour and emotions. At first, they will use the mobile phones to do regular things such as texting or calling their parents. Eventually there will be a time where teenagers are no longer able to suppress their curiousity. Using their creative thinking, they will use the phones for other purposes.

         Apart from that, cell phones do bring lots of disadvantages. They can become an ever-present distraction for students. (*Trust me, it really do -_- ). It is often easy for teachers to spot and reprimand students that talk in class, but cell phone texting is more difficult to punish. Furthermore, it is a silent act and the devices can be concealed secretly under desks. Even if teachers do not allow cell phone usage in their class, students can become easily distracted if they receive incoming calls or messages.

        Next, social bullying will also occur if the school lets their students bring phones. Students who cannot afford expensive devices such as smartphones may appear and feel inferior. Thus, it makes them a target for bullying and isolating them from their peer. Parents would suffer a lot of burden as they are not only spending money for their children’s education but also for the phone bills. Surely it will trigger some protest from the parents that they do not want their children to bring phones to school.

    According to researchers, advances in technology have helped to increase the percentage of cheaters in examinations. The majority of the students had said that they do not think cheating is a big deal. As a matter of fact, it is indeed. With quality built-in cameras, cell phones enable students to take pictures of test paper and answer. Then, they can send those to their friends who have not taken the test yet. This caused the students to get high marks without having to work hard.

   As a conclusion, mobile phones cannot be denied that they do bring a lot of conveniences. However, allowing young students to bring mobile phones is still unnecessary. For them, phones are just mainly an entertainment and as a showing off tool. Perhaps authorities can make a slight change in the rule, for example, merely allowing only students in primary schools to bring phones. Cell phones without cameras and android applications are the one that are allowed to bring.

So, that's my opinion. How about you guys? Feel free to comment below and discuss your opinion about this matter. Have a pleasant day everyone. =_< *wink

Source:  http://www.ehow.com/list_5969350_advantages-allowing-cell-phones-school.html
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